Wedding Ceremony Samples
Below you will find a collection of Wedding Ceremony Samples which will help you and your fiancé build your dream wedding ceremony.
Ceremony by the Sea
*This is an excerpt*
This ceremony is a symbol of their journey's beginning. May they be blessed with courage, compassion, and divine guidance..
Minister to Bride and Groom:"As we stand by the ocean, may your love always be as constant and unchanging as these never-ending waves that break beneath our feet, flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea.
Pledge yourselves to each other this day and promise to be as faithful, unchanging and dependable as the tide.
As these Waters nourish the earth and sustain life, may your constant love nourish and sustain each other until the end of time."
In fact, every atom is joined to every other atom, because we are all part of God's masterpiece.
Yet some things are held in greater attraction than others.
Some stars have companion stars, some elements bond naturally with others
and some people are naturally joined together.
These bondings create something that is greater than the sum of their parts.
Just as the solar system is more than a bunch of rocks with one big fire at the center, it is our home.
In this way, you are each other's home.
We are here to recognize that such a bonding has occurred.
This bonding of marriage was intended by God when He created the Universe, for it is the natural way of things.
We are here to recognize that ____and____are joined in such a way that they have become a single entity, greater than either of them could ever be alone.
While this ceremony is for them, it is also for us.
It is our first chance to formally meet this new creation.
In marriage we are delivered from our most ancient aloneness, embraced
in the nest of human company. In marriage we say not only, “I love you today”
but also, “I promise to love you tomorrow, the next day and always.”
In promising always we promise each other time.
We promise to exercise our love, to stretch it large enough to embrace
the unforeseen realities of the future. We promise to learn to love beyond the level of our instincts and inclinations, to love in foul weather as well as fair,
and in hard times as well as when we are exhilarated by the pleasures of romance.
We change, because of these promises. We shape ourselves according to them; we live in their midst, and live differently because of them; we feel protected, because of them. We try some things and resist trying others, because having promised, we now feel secure.